How to Leverage Social Intent Data for Email Marketing 

Every salesperson has experienced the disappointment of a promising lead that turns cold. Every hour and effort previously invested in that lead is now a waste of time. Could intent data resurrect these dormant leads? 

New technologies have begun to transform retargeting methods, bringing new life to dormant leads. 

You may evaluate your customer base’s actual and current behavior trends with access to buyer intent data, helping them make more brilliant marketing plans when addressing and retargeting potential customers. 

You may employ social media and email as stand-alone techniques in your business. However, combining them with social media and b2b email marketing integration can provide you with further rewards, such as increasing the visibility of your campaigns, recognizing industry leaders, and gaining more customers to your list. 

Marketers must recognize that a successful marketing plan does not revolve around social media or email marketing. Marketers must therefore integrate social media and email campaigns. 

When it comes to client acquisition and running nurturing efforts, email marketing is a crucial tool. Nevertheless, if you really want to rethink marketing chances and propel your company forward, you must consider combining social media with your email campaigns. 

An intent-based email marketing campaign addresses potential customers as quickly as they express interest in a specific topic. The prospect’s interest is mentioned in the email, and appropriate content is provided. 

In order to deploy genuine, intent-based email marketing, you must first collect intent data. Intent data, also known as behavioral data, is any action made by a prospect indicating what they are interested in. 

Shedding light on buyer intent data 

Because B2B marketing channels rely more on data-driven content, there is a lot of buzz around leveraging buyer–intent data. We’d want to know which businesses will be contacting us for bulk orders. As previously stated, is this genuine and has any rational foundation, or is it just noise? 

It has tremendous potential, and every email marketing service company understands its importance. To grasp its idea, a brief question-and-answer discussion will shed more light on what it means for the marketer whose campaign is about to commence in the coming weeks. 

The best-laid strategies of marketers and sales teams create a solid framework, but leads can dry up at any time. Perhaps a revolutionary technology has emerged in your sector, or perhaps a worldwide epidemic has forced retailers to close for months at a time. Whatever the cause, such unanticipated actors have the potential to profoundly disrupt customers’ previously expected behavior patterns. 

In situations of ambiguity, return to intended data. Examining patterns in user activity can give you a good indication of which techniques succeed and which you can put on hold for the time being. 

According to a new Adobe study, the average worker receives 121 emails every day. Your customers are inundated with proposals from many providers. Nevertheless, the most common cause why US online customers disconnect from emails isn’t because they don’t like the content; it’s because they get too many emails in aggregate. 

Sources of Intent Data 

Intent data is gathered from a variety of sources, including 

  • Browsing history 
  • Search Engine records 
  • Emails and chats 
  • Social media activity 
  • Previous purchases 
  •  Product reviews 
  • Traffic on Competitors` Websites and other online activities. 

This data can be used to forecast future customer behaviour and identify potential buyers. 

How to Leverage Intent Data 

The acquisition of purpose data is insufficient to reap commercial benefits. To make the most of this data, you must employ certain tactics and technologies. 

Custom Design Website 

Websites are frequently designed to offer goods and services. The best method to build a website is to think about it from the buyer’s point of view. Intent data may be used by sellers and marketers to create and improve their websites. 

Intent data provides a complete overview of existing clients’ and potential purchasers’ preferences and interests. If your firm creates a website based on the preferences of its visitors, it will be more likely to attract new customers and increase sales. 

Email Campaigns 

Your company’s vendors and customers must be your primary concern. With improved business ties and good communication, you may keep your clients for a longer period of time. 

Email is commonly utilized as an official communication channel, and most firms deploy automated repetitious email campaigns. You may improve your communication by utilizing intent data. Instead of generic emails, send personalized emails and messages to your clients, emphasizing their passions and tailoring them to their personalities. This will help you develop your client relationships and expand your business. 

If you’re dealing with an important customer, intent data can once again come in handy. Forecast your client’s attitude and expected response based on previous contact and other private and organizational factors. This will aid in effective interaction. 

Personalized Advertisements 

Promotions abound on the internet, but not all of them reach the intended audience. The majority of them are disregarded and produce only a few sales. Similarly, you may utilize intent data to alter your marketing strategy. 

You’ll have to invest in research tools like ZoomInfo and Priority Engine or hire data scientists. They will help you create a database of online customers who are more likely to engage in your products and services. You may gather insights into your intended audience by examining the intent data of these potential purchasers. You may use this data to build customized adverts for various buyer types. 

Personalized adverts frequently strike the mark and direct users to your website. 

Intent data includes sharing that may be subject to data security violations. To address this issue, data researchers and organizations use a fictitious identity rather than personally identifiable information. 

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) explicitly discloses a person’s identity, such as a person’s name, contact information, email address, and other customized information. The collection and use of personally identifiable information (PII) is prohibited by law. However, it appears that studying and constructing marketing plans without any of this information is difficult. 

To help marketers, data extractors develop a persona in which they offer the customer a fictitious name and identity. This persona aids in the categorization of people depending on their preferences. This persona, coupled with non-PII information, can be used for marketing and sales. 

Intent data is customer individual and interpersonal information that is best utilized for digital selling. Your conversation becomes more personal when you are well informed about your client’s hobbies and history. This one-on-one connection is the most effective method of direct marketing. 

You may market your products and services to clients directly by discussing their hobbies and interests. You simply need to steer the conversation in such a way that your customer is persuaded to make your company his first option. 

Marketing is the activity of recognizing your clients’ requirements and solving their issues with your offerings, which is easily achieved with the aid of intent data. 

Furthermore, intent data helps you fill in the blanks in your buyer profiles, allowing you to construct stronger segments and more engaging marketing campaigns. For instance, if you can somehow discover the organizations and customers in your database who have recently discussed Topic A vs. Topic B, you might place them in the appropriate topic-based nurturing tracks and enhance your conversion rates. 

Developing Personas for Intent-Based Marketing 

To create intent-based email marketing, you must first create a customer persona. Consult with your marketing and sales teams to determine what your target audience is interested in. As you conduct your study, ensure to consider the following: 

  1. What concerns are essential to your target audience? 
  2. What are the hottest subjects in your field? 
  3. What keywords do they use while looking for solutions in your industry? 
  4. What kinds of events does your target audience go to? 
  5. Which industry publications do they believe? 
  6. Who are the educational content influencers to whom your target audience looks? 
  7. Who are your main rivals? 
  8. What solutions are in their technological stack if you’re selling to other businesses? Do they employ goods that work in tandem with yours? 
Consider Leveraging Social Intent Data 

By utilizing intent data from the wider website, you can better understand your customers, classify your accounts and prospects into the appropriate marketing tracks, trigger genuine emails, and score your leads more precisely. 

Start with great quality leads 

Mandit Solutions make intent data actionable to show you who is genuinely interested in making a purchase. So contact us immediately and let us know how we can assist you with your sales efforts. 

Experience the power of intent-based marketing as we decode signals, turning curiosity into captivating connections for your brand’s success.

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